3D Animation of a Butterfly Table
This is an 3D animation based on an article in Fine Woodworking Magazine by Micheal Fortune showing how to build a butterfly table. The design has a unique mechanism to store the extension leaves under the table. I created a number of drawings for the article and thought that it would be a good choice for animation to help show how the leaves unfold.
A 3D animation showing the anatomy of a LED light bulb.
This short animation is one of my personal challenges to see how far I can go with new technologies. I built the 3D model in Maya and finished it in Cinema 4D were I applied textures and used HDRI to light the scene. The animation was rendered out of C4D and processed in After Effects. This first part shows the bulb being disassembled and the various components are labeled. While this first part is clearly photo realistic part two, where I delve into the science of how the LED module works, is rendering experimentally in a few different graphic styles.
A 3D animation showing the science of how the LED module works.
This short animation is one of my personal challenges to see how far I can go with new technologies. I built the 3D model in Maya and finished it in Cinema 4D were I applied textures and used HDRI to light the scene. The animation was rendered out of C4D and processed in After Effects. This first part shows the bulb being disassembled and the various components are labeled. While the first part is clearly photo realistic part two, where I delve into the science of how the LED module works, is rendering experimentally in a few different graphic styles.
Thomas MacDonald’s Expanding Table
This table designed and built by Thomas MacDonald uses a simple arrangement to hide the extension leaves under to top. I was commissioned by the Taunton Press to to create this 3D animation for Fine Woodworking’s online content. I also created still illustrations for the article written by Mr. MacDonald for the magazine. Copyright The Taunton Press Inc.